Cleverly concealed in the floral back design of Black Roses: Lavender is a marking system which allows you to divine the suit and value of any card without ever looking at its face. Easy to read and understand, yet invisible to the untrained eye - the deck can be handed out to spectators for a shuffle without the fear of getting caught. A peek at the top left rose on the back design will give you the answers!
Black Roses: Lavender has been crafted with magic in mind and features court and number cards that have been tastefully redesigned but do not compromise on the timeless look and feel loved by card enthusiasts,. All decks include a double backer and an unmarked 2 of Diamonds duplicate, plus several reveals on court cards.
Traditionally cut, limited to 4,000 and printed by The United States Playing Card Company on premium crushed Bee stock with Air Cushion Finish