Bicycle Conjuror
Bicycle Conjuror
This deck is dedicated to the Conjurer Community founded by magician Aaron Fisher. The magician himself established the Conjurer Community, a club which you can learn how to do magic tricks tutored by established magicians, including Aaron Fisher and Lee Asher.
This deck is tailored by Aaron so that the deck can be immediately used to performed many routines.
This deck is printed on High Grade Premium Casino Bee Crushed Stock on the Web Press - with Air Cushion finish on Web Press. The back design is adopted from 1907 USPCC 808 Model II Back Design. The Jokers for this deck is using a graphic illustration which was never seen before until now: the image that was published in 1894 as a commemoration of 1878 Worlds Fair Exhibition (picked by Lee Asher). The elegant Ace of Spades features a stalk of wheat and comes from a rare Whist design produced by USPCC in the 1920s.